Saturday, November 25, 2006

Brigitte Helm - Second of three postings

The following is a paragraph taken from the NYT obituary, June 14th 1996.

Yet for all the acclaim she received for such roles as her portrayal of a blind girl in Georg Wilhelm Pabst's "Love of Jeanne Ney," or as a bored aristocratic wanton in his "Crisis," Ms. Helm could never eclipse the role, or rather rules, in which the good Maria, an oppressed working girl, is transformed into an evil robotic doppelganger of herself in Lang's "Metropolis."

Brigitte Helm - What do you think? Allure?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Brigitte Helm - First of three postings

What can I say - We have over 90 different postcards of Brigitte Helm, mostly due to our exposure to her from her performance in Metropolis, director Fritz Lang's Sci-Fi classic, and one of the most influential films of all time.

Brigitte Eva Gisela Schittenhelm was born in Berlin in 1908, and at age 18 is encouraged by her mother to do a screen test for Lang, who promptly hired her for the dual role of the idealistic Maria and the evil robot woman. Only a novice, she became a star overnight among young German movie actresses. Reportedly, her first film role almost became her last due to Lang's insistence upon "realism" during a burning-at-the-stake scene. However, she survived to become one of Germany's top screen attractions, extending her popularity to British and French productions.

One of the few offers she was obliged to turn down was the part of Lola-Lola in von Sternberg's The Blue Angel (1929), which went instead to Marlene Dietrich. Brigitte retired from films upon her marriage in 1935 and moved to Switzerland to get out from under the Nazi regime. She rarely talked about her film career and died out of the limelight in 1996.

Brigitte in her role as the evil Maria.

The softer side.

Somewhere in between.

Brigitte Helm - What do you think? Allure?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bille Dove (Third of 3 postings)

Read the main Billie bio in post #1.

The multi-talented Billie was also a poet, a painter, and an airplane pilot.

Billie Dove - What do you think? Allure?